New COVID 19 rules in Austria starting June 10

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From June 10 – and in time for the European Football Championship – life in Austria will be a bit relax. After the opening summit, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) notes a “great satisfaction in all areas”. The most important details: the closing time will be moved back from 10 p.m. to midnight, the distance rule will be reduced to one meter, and more people will again be allowed to sit at a table. Bus tours will be possible again, choirs and music bands will be allowed to meet again. From July 1, people will be allowed to get married properly again – from then on, the mask will also be reduced. However, the 3-G rule will of course remain!

Chancellor Kurz expressed satisfaction on Friday with the vaccination coverage rate in Austria, but also with the positive figures and outlook. He said one currently has the “ideal basis” to set the next opening steps, which are to proceed in a three-week rhythm. The 3-G rule will of course continue to apply, he said.

“With these precautions, we can look forward to a good summer,” added Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens), who stressed above all that from July 1, all restrictions on people at events in sports and culture will fall. For the first Formula 1 Grand Prix in Spielberg, which will take place on June 27, an exemption is conceivable.

The details of the relaxations from June 10:

  • The curfew will be extended to midnight from June 10,
    the person restriction extended. Eight people will then be allowed to sit at a table indoors, and 16 outside, plus the accompanying children.
  • Outdoors, masks are no longer compulsory.
  • A large relief comes for choirs and music associations: Rehearsals are again possible under adherence to the three G – the distance and square meter rule will no longer be observed.
  • The square meter rule will also be reduced from 20 to ten square meters in the retail, leisure, culture and sports sectors.
  • Bus travel, which is more popular with the older population, will then also be possible again.
  • Carpools of more than eight people will be required to wear masks.
    Cultural events will be allowed to be 75 percent full instead of 50 percent full.
  • Quarantine rules will be revised in mid-June to facilitate vacation travel, especially to neighboring countries.

The details of the relaxations from July 1:

  • As of July 1, people will be allowed to get married again and celebrate birthdays on a grand scale.
  • The mask will also be reduced from then on – in public transport or parts of the trade, however, it is to remain with us.
  • At sporting and cultural events, there will no longer be any restrictions on the number of people wearing masks.
  • The mask requirement will also be dropped indoors where 3-G applies.
  • In the future, children will have to be tested at the age of twelve instead of ten.

— sources: press conference of federal government on May 28 via Austrian Television (ORF), and APA/picture:

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